Thursday 21 May 2015

36 Absolutely Stunning Pieces Of Oman

Natural beauty, fascinating traditions and heartfelt hospitality make Oman a country you really should get to know better. From luxurious 5-star beach resorts to sleeping under the stars in the desert, Oman’s diverse landscapes will take your breath away.

Royal Opera House Muscat  

Royal Opera House, Muscat (iwillbehomesoon/500px)
Nakhal Fort

Nakhal Fort (beautyeye/flickr)


Ash Sharqiyah (pierrehaut/flickr)

Nizwa Fort

Jalali Fort


Musandam (panoramas/flickr)


Al Alam Palace

Flickr: Tristan Schmurr / Via: Flickr

Real adventure

Bandar Khayran


Salalah (saf eins/flickr)


Flickr: Bilal Sarwar / Via: Flickr

Diverse marine life 

Wadi Darbat, Salalah

Wadi Darbat, Salalah (wajahatmahmood/flickr)

Birds in Dhofar

Muttrah Souq

Wadi Bani 

Wadi Bani Khalid (andries3/flickr)

Amazing wildlife

Mountain camps

Dimaniyat Islands Nature Reserve 

Unspoilt beaches

Musandam beaches, Oman - Like us:

Land mammals in Dhofar

 Land Rover Our Planet
Land Rover Our Planet via Flickr

Unique golf scene

Almouj Golf, The Wave, Oman

Water Spring

Ash Shuwaymiyyah

Desert experiences

Unspoilt water


Luxury hotels

Mountains in Dhofar

Pottery incense burner

Mirani Fort

Mugsayl Beach

Omani honey

Hand thrown pottery

Non-stop daily flight from Heathrow to Muscat with Oman Air; daily flights with Etihad from London, Dublin, Glasgow and Manchester

Still don't know where to go for your next holiday? If you need more reasons to visit Oman please see 101 Things to See and Do in Oman. 

Please, take a moment to leave your comments or thoughts below!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Dream Destination, Travel Bulletin Star Awards 2015

2015 Travel Bulletin Star Awards is now live!

Are you voting in this year's Travel Bulletin Star Awards for your favourite trade suppliers? Will Oman Ministry of Tourism be recognised once again as the Dream Destination Middle East Tourist Office thanks to Travel Agent votes?  

Last Year the Oman Ministry of Tourism received their first Travel Bulletin Star Award for the Star Middle East Tourist Board 2014 and we would love to lift the trophy once again this year. 

The Travel Bulletin Awards are the only one of its kind in the UK, as candidates are purely voted for by travel agents. It is considered the UK travel trade's most prestigious awards programme rewarding every sector of the tourism industry. No pre-selected short lists, no judging panels, just simple democracy channelled through the people that are most trusted to sell destinations. From 24th April to 5th June 2015 every travel agent across the UK is presented with an opportunity to vote for their favourite supplier in their respective categories.

Are you a Travel Agent? Is Oman your Middle East Dream Destination Tourist Office? 

*Terms and conditions:
  • To enter, Travel Agents must comment in the post saying why Oman is their Star Dream Destination Middle East Tourist Office, tag three Travel Agents friends on the post and vote at the Travel Bulletin Star Awards.
  • The winners must provide us with the name of the company they work for and their email address in a private message or email.
  • One prize per Travel Agent.
  • Only for Travel Agents in the UK and Ireland.
  • Winners must send us their confirmation email received after voting from Travel Bulletin.
  • Contest starts 13/05/15 and finishes 05/06/15 at 12:00pm.

The Sultanate of Oman attracts visitors with its variety of accommodation. The wealth of experiences on offer varies from the opulent to the adventurous, glorious golden sands and water sports. Watching whales, dolphins, birds, climbing, sailing, caving, camping…the variety of attractions and activities are endless.

Wherever you choose to stay in Oman you are assured that all senses will be sated. The holiday of a lifetime awaits.  

Thursday 7 May 2015

What Are The Best Birdwatching Spots in Oman?

What are some of the best bird watching places in Oman? What are some common bird species there?

Oman witnesses huge swarms of migratory birds during their seasonal journey between their nesting habitats and the places where they spend winters, especially birds migrating from Europe and East Asia. Many birds, especially water fowl, migrate from far away regions like northern Siberia, and travel about five thousand kilometres.

In this article we will show you some of the best Birdwatching sites in Oman:

Birdwatching sites in north Oman and Musandam

The most productive birdwatching site in the capital area is the sewage treatment ponds at Al Ansab Lagoons. They are truly a manmade bird paradise and well over 50 species could be recorded on a single visit. Waders are much in evidence most of the year with breeding Black-winged Stilt and Red-wattled Plover. White - tailed Plover, March Sandpiper, Spotted REd-shank and Common Snipe are present all winter. Mid winter is time for several species of duck including the threatened Ferruginous Duck. Steppe, Greater Spotted and Imperial Eagles, Lappet-faced and Egyptian Vultures as well as Marsh Harriers make regular appearances.  

Birdwatching sites in central Oman and Masirah Island.

During the migration many birds are attracted to manmade water pools. Masirah Island can be reached by car ferries running high tide from Barr al Hikman. Masirah and Barr al Hikman are home to hundreds of thousands of birds during the winter months, mainly Greater Flamingos, herons, wanders, gulls and terns. Great Knots are known to winter here. This is probably the most important wintering area in all of Arabian for waders, but the most interesting areas can be difficult to find without local knowledge. 

Birdwatching sites in south Oman

The southern province of Dhofar is quite unlike any other in Oman. A summer monsoon from June to September dramatically changes the mountains and foothills into rolling grasslands and dense woodlands. All the main birdwatching sites are conveniently located within and hour's drive from Salalah - from Mirbat 60 km in the east to Mughsayl 45 km in the west. Seabirds abound in autumn and can be seen from vantage points near Mirbat, Raysut and Mughsayl. The coastal lagoons, called khors, from Khor Rouri in the east to Khor Mughsayl are always worth a visit and usually hold Greater Flamingo, Glossy Ibis and Spoonbill plus a variety of herons, ducks and waders. The spring at Ain Razat and Ain Hamran east of Salalah are well sign posted on the route towards Mirbat and are excellent for the local bird specialities. The farmlands around Salalah should be checked for raptors, White Storks, larks wagtails and pipits.  

The best time for birdwatching

Timing is critical for a successful visit. The great majority  are passage migrants and/or winter visitors. The fall migration of waders is impressive from late August. Gulls and terns arrive in September and October which are peak months for warblers as well. By the end of October the numbers of eagles build up with a peak in early November when Sooty Falcons depart for their wintering grounds. December, January and February are ideal months Weatherwise with maximum temperatures in the mid to upper 20's. Great Black - headed Gulls change into their breeding dress during February. Pied Wheatears and Menetries's Warblers herald the start of the spring migration in early March with European and Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters following in mid month. Ducks, raptors and gulls will be heading north in March. A strong migration of shrikes, warblers and buntings may be seen in April with European Rollers arriving by the end of the month. The migration ends with a massive concentration of Marsh Warblers in mid May. 

Looking for more information?

For further information on birds in Oman, visit the website: 

Bird watching in Oman

Please, take a moment to leave your comment below! 

Thursday 30 April 2015

7 Fascinating Nature Attractions In Dhofar

Have you heard about Dhofar yet? Would you love to explore different natural surroundings? 

Hidden beaches, lapped by the Arabian Sea, abound throughout the Governorate of Dhofar. The city of Salalah is blessed with kilometre after kilometre of soft white sand, the main beaches including those at Dahariz, Al Baleed and Haffa, near Al Husn Palace. 

West of the city the mountains give way to the beaches of Mugsayl and beyond, creating dramatic backdrops. To the east of Salalah, unspoilt beaches can be discovered all the way to Taqah, interrupted only by a few creeks. Beyond Mirbat, the nature of the coastline changes to one of small coves: some with Dhofar's famous white sand, others of multi hued granite pebbles worn smooth by the power of Oman's Arabian Sea.

In this article we will show you 7 Fascinating Nature Attractions In Dhofar:

Water Spring

The souther side of the Dhofar Mountains is blessed with many springs. Some are sporadic, others like the flow at Ain Razat, are continuous. Set just north of Saadah, the spring at Ain Sahnawt is located at the end of a beautiful wooded valley. The road which winds up to the plateau is bordered by dense woodland which remains in leaf well after the Khareef. Set deep within two valleys between Salalah and Taqah are the twin springs of Ain Tabruk and Ain Athum. Hidden within well wooded hillsides, these seasonal springs are at either end of a very attractive valley and during the Khareef the open grasslands in the valley's centre are ideal for picnics.

Wadi Darbat

The most unexpected site in Dhofar is Wadi Darbat. The wadi is secreted in the mountains overlooking the site of Khor Rori, just after Taqah on the coast. At its southern end a natural Tufa dam described by mid 19th century travellers as "one of the most stupendous natural phenomena we have ever seen" allows views over wide areas of the coast. Within the wadi are a ribbon of small lakes overlooked by undulating hillsides. During the Khareef the water is replenished and some may remain throughout the year. The grasslands formed during the Khareef offer grazing for camels, cows, goats and donkeys, as well as a spacious picnic area for visitors.

Nameer (via Flickr)

Ash Shuwaymiyyah

To the far east of Salalah, beyond the Dhofar Mountains, lies the town of Ash Shuwaymiyyah. Set on the coast at the end of a kilometre long beach where beautiful Wadi Ash Shuwaymiyyah meets the sea, the town is a centre for fishing and lobster harvesting. In a few homes skilled ladies create baskets woven from palm and leather, a link between the necessities of the past and souvenirs of today.

Birds in Dhofar

Though usually associated with Afro-tropic region The Governorate of Dhofar's avifauna receives migrants from the Palearctic and an increasing number from the Indomalaya region. To the north of Dhofar Mountains isolated areas of vegetation provide critical places of recuperation for migrants like Hume's Leaf Warbler, while the more fertile mountains and valleys host not only migrants such as White Stork but permanent residents including the Rüppell's Weaver and Grey-headed Kingfisher. The coast line has innumerable sea-birds and waders, including Socotra Cormorant and Greater Flamingo.

Land mammals in Dhofar

Throughout the Governorate of Dhofar land mammals inhabit the mountains and coastal plains, where they enjoy protection from hunting under Oman's law. The most iconic is the Arabian Leopard, one of the smallest Leopard species and these mountains are critical to its survival. The Arabian Gazelle can most readily be seen in the valleys either side of the main mountain ranges. In these valleys Rock Hyrax are also found, while in remoter areas Striped Hyaena, Nubian Ibex and Arabian Wolf live.

 Land Rover Our Planet
Land Rover Our Planet via Flickr

Mountains in Dhofar

The Dhofar Mountains are by far the major natural feature in the Governorate of Dhofar. They extend from the farthest west of the region near Dalkut to Ash Shuwaymiyyah in the east. Each of the three main ranges has a unique appearance , which helps create added interest for those visitors who wish to explore them. The thousand meter high cliffs of Jabal Al Qamar ( The Moon Mountains ), which face the Arabian Sea in the west, catch the moisture from clouds formed during the Khareef ( Monsoon ) season from June to September, creating the "cloud forest", which develops a green blanket of vegetation on those slopes which drop towards the sea. 

Mugsayl Beach

Probably the most famous attraction of The Governorate of Dhofar are the "blow holes" at Mugsayl to the west of Salalah. Small holes in the rock just above the sea allow a forceful fountain of sea water to explode into the air during times when the sea slightly rough. The sound as the air and sea water rush upwards is almost as if an angry sea monster would appear rather than a dramatic cascade of water. Overlooking the blow holes, Al Marnif Cave provides a sheltered place to relax and enjoy the views and sea breeze. Mugsayl Beach's soft white sand stretches for six uninterrupted kilometres and its small picturesque shelters allow families to picnic and relax overlooking the sea. The Mugsayl area also has some of the most accessible frankincense trees of the region and when they flower honeybees produce frankincense honey. 

Chris Helmkamp (via Flcikr)
One can imagine the magnificence of this province when most parts of the Arabian Peninsula witness a rise in temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celsius in summer. But, in Salalah, the capital of Dhofar that lies 1,040 kilometres away from Muscat, temperatures never rise above 27 degrees Celsius. There are daily flights between Muscat and Salalah, as well as other Arab Gulf states.

Do you really know Dhofar as well as you think?

Please, take a moment to leave your comment below! 

Thursday 23 April 2015

Kate Humble's Experiences in Oman

With pristine beaches, magnificent deserts, rugged mountains and a history that spans over 5,000 years, the Sultanate of Oman will refresh, engage and inspire you. Watch and listen to Kate Humble's experiences in Oman.

Kate Humble's experiences in Oman - Podcast

Kate Humble's experiences in Oman - TV

Each of Oman's geographical regions has something unique to offer. Would you consider Oman as your next holiday destination? Not sure where to start? Here are some suggestions to help you plan the perfect itinerary

Please, take a moment to leave your comment below! 

Thursday 16 April 2015

What No One Tells You About Musandam

An Introduction to the Musandam Governorate

The Musandam Peninsula is the smallest and most northerly region of Oman, covering an area of approximately 3,000 square kilometres. It is separated from the rest of the country by the United Arab Emirates and its rocky headland just out into the Strait of Hormuz, giving it strategic domination over one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. The population of the Peninsula is approximately 30,000 with the greatest concentration of people living in Khasab, the capital.

The magnificent Hajar mountain range dominates the Musandam landscape, extending about 640 kilometres from Ras al Hadd in the south to Khasab, ending with the Ru'us al Jabal ("Heads of Mountains") plunging dramatically and dizzily into the sea.

Musandam's highest mountain is Jabal Harim, at 2,087 metres. The entire interior of the region is mountainous, with one graded track stretching from Daba to Khasab that snakes through narrow gorges, up hairpin bends and down into wadi beds.

Icons in Khasab - The Main Town

Khasab Castle
This picturesque castle on the inner cove of Khasab Bay overlooks the harbour and represent Khasab's eastern line of defence. Contained within its low, crenellated walls is a massive central tower that pre-dates the castle itself and preceded the arrival of Portuguese in the 16th century.

The Souq 
At the back of the castle to the east, in the Harat al Khamzari district, are the plantations and seasonal homes of the Kumzari tribe. Further east is the souq, with bustling shops selling most of the usual items found elsewhere in Oman, as well as imported Irani goods, locally made pottery and the unique Musandam axe, or jirz.

The Harbour
Traditional boat-builders can be seen at work in small shipyards adjacent to the harbour, where they engage in the constructions of fishing vessels and undertake repairs for a dwindling fleet of traditional battils. From time to time a battil can still be glimpsed in the harbour, its long, graceful bow wrapped in goatskin adorned with rows of cowrie shells and its high, elegant stern decorated with colourful ribbons.

Musandam is one of the most beautiful and untouched areas of the world. It is quiet, peaceful and serene. What would you like to see in Musandam?

See what people think about Musandam Governorate:  

Please, take a moment to leave your comment below! 

Thursday 9 April 2015

9 Gorgeous Places To Eat In Oman

What are some of the most delicious foods and drinks in Oman? Where are some of the best places to eat?

Omani cuisine reflects our rich ethnic and tribal mix. Our chefs blend flavours from the Arabian and Indian subcontinents in dishes such as grilled mishkak kabas, shuwwa and harees.

Omani families entertain at home rather than in restaurants, but our hotel scene is expanding, and with it, our restaurant culture.

Our classic sweet delicacies are dates and halwa, a soft blend of sugar, semolina, ghee, saffron, almonds and fragrant rosewater. Both go perfectly with khawa. This is an aromatic black coffee, flavoured with cardamom and poured from a metal coffee pot into beakers (finjan), as a sign of hospitality. It is always polite to accept. When you have finished, just shake our cup gently, saying Bas, shukran (Enough, thank you)

In this article we will show you 9 Gorgeous Places To Eat In Oman:

1. Al Bustan Palace. One of the finest places in Oman for fresh, locally - caught fish and seafood. You can enjoy it right beside the sea, under the stars. Muscat

2. Bin Ateeq. Reassuringly authentic, with majlis cushions on the floor, khanjar daggers on the walls and harees on the menu. Branches in Muscat, Salalah and Nizwa.

3. The Chedi. This stylish hotel's award-winning restaurant offers Omani, Asian and international cuisine in serene surroundings which ooze modern-Arabian chic. Al-Ghobra.
4. Kargeen Caffe. Popular with expats and locals, this laid-back Muscat restaurant serves Omani grills and Italian dishes in a lantern-lit garden and shisha lounge. Madinat al Sultan Qaboos Plaza.
5. Mumtaz Mahal. One of Muscat's best Indian restaurants, with excellent cooking and sweeping views. For a theatrical finish, order a Snake Coffee, flavoured with flambéed orange peel. Qurum.
6. Opera Galleria. The complex adjoining Muscat's beautifully designed Royal Opera House Café and fine dining restaurants with an international flavour. Muscat.

Royal Opera House, Muscat (iwillbehomesoon/500px)
7. Silder Station. This industrial chic restaurant specializes in gourmet and classic sliders and burgers as well as a wide range of American grills, tapas and salad.
8. Shangri - La Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa. This impressive resort has restaurants - choose between Arabian, Moroccan, Italian, Lebanese, Asian or traditional Omani seafood. Barr al Jissah.
9. Tokyo Taro Restaurant. Enjoy authentic Japanese food with a "Tepanyaki" counter and variety of sushi, sashimi and tempura.

Many hotels serve international cuisine, but if you would like to try something more authentically Omani, look out for qabooli (a hearty dish of rice, nuts, raisins and mutton or beef), harees (meat stew, thickened with wheat) and shuwa (tender, lightly spiced, slow-roasted meat).

What would you like to eat in Oman? Where do you think it is the best place to go for a dinner? 

Please, take a moment to leave your comment below!